Megas Mind supports children in expressing their full potential in school and life. We do this by developing a set of mind attitudes needed to overcome challenges with success.
“Children aren’t born with these skills, they are born with the potential to develop them.”
Center on the Developing Child – Harvard University
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Megas Mind is an educational project which promotes in children a “mindset for life”.
The project was born from a very simple question: What qualities are vital for our children to acquire, in order to flourish in the future?
Megas Mind focuses on supporting the development of the nine Active Mind Attitudes – AMA – the nine “Cs” which include Creativity, Courage, Confidence, Consistency, Collaboration, Choice, Curiosity, Communication and Care.
AMA is the set of attitudes every child needs to learn in order to face challenges in school and life with success and to express their full potential.
To cultivate AMA, Megas Mind offers a range of products and services designed for young children and parents who want to prepare their kids for the future.
Megas Mind‘s mission is to empower every child to express their full potential.
Megas Mind’s vision is a world in which every child aims high. This is to say a world where everyone uses their unique talent to embrace life with passion, to follow their dreams, to make a difference, to succeed.
About the key attitudes for living a bright life:
What set of qualities should your child adopt to have an active and positive life?
At Megas Mind, after performing extensive research on innovators, writers, scientists and entrepreneurs, we identified a set of nine learnable Active Mind Attitudes – AMA. The nine “Cs” which include Creativity, Courage, Confidence, Consistency, Collaboration, Choice, Curiosity, Communication and Care. These can make a significant difference in your child’s life.
There is growing evidence that these are the key skills for facing life with the proactive and responsible attitude needed to overcome challenges in school and life successfully.
To visualize this set of qualities Giuliana Salmaso, Megas Mind’s founder, designed the Active Mind Attitudes Pyramid composed of nine building blocks – the nine AMA – and three vital forces.
The position of the building blocks follow a hierarchy. The foundation row – Collaboration, Choice, Curiosity, Communication and Care – is about our relationship with the outer world. These qualities reinforce the connection to others and to the environment. The middle row – Courage, Confidence and Consistency – is about the power of the core. Without inner strength it is not possible to endorse any effective action in life. At the top it is placed Creativity, which represents our contribution in life.
In addition to these building blocks, three vital forces complete the pyramid: Love, Design and Dare. At the base there is the force of LOVE. Without love nothing grows in life. It is the most precious power of all. On one side of the triangle there is the force of DESIGN – the capacity to plan. Things don’t happen by chance, every action is planned. And on the other side there is the force of DARE – the boldness to stand for what makes you feel good.
The nine AMA and the three forces work together as a true unit in order to form a focused action and support a BRIGHT LIFE. I.e. a happy life embraced with passion, with the willingness to follow their dreams, to make a difference and to succeed.
At Megas Mind we developed the Megas Mind Model to cultivate Communication, Confidence and Creativity for children so that they may learn and play during their Early Years.
About the Active Mind Attitudes:
Megas Mind proposes a set of learnable skills to enhance your child’s capacity for success when facing challenges in school and life. Your child’s life is part of a constant flow of evolution and change. Like a river flowing between two banks. Do you want your child to be the one standing on the banks, watching as life and opportunity flows by? Or do you prefer your child flowing with the river, moving ahead, exposed to experience and chance?
We can all agree that being in the trenches of the river brings challenges. However, at Megas Mind we believe that every challenge is a creative opportunity if your child is equipped with AMA – Active Mind Attitudes. Research shows that there is a strong relationship between a positive mind attitude when facing a challenge and positive outcome.
People using AMA see potential, create opportunities and, ultimately, promote innovation. Evidence shows that the skills of AMA are best acquired by children at a young age. The project was born from our desire to ensure that every child is able to express their full potential in life.
Why your child’s early years are the most important:
Between birth and the age of six there is a window of opportunity in a child’s development. This is a period of time in which children can easily absorb information.
Neuroscience tells us how important the early years are. The development of our brain determines who we become and how we behave. It is dependent upon the presence, pattern, frequency, quality and timing of experiences, both good and bad.
At birth, our brains have trillions of neurons but only a relatively small number of them are connected. These connections, called synapses, happen rapidly in the early years of life. The brain of a child is at its peak of plasticity, the neurons have the ability to connect and re-connect. Every time a child acquires knowledge and information they build up new synapses.
In the past, it was commonly thought that intelligence was 80% genetic and 20% environmental. Current thinking had reversed the balance, and shows that 20% is genetic and 80% environmental. Environmental refers to such things as having good relationships, good experiences and good nutrition. As a parent, it is important to ensure that that 80% is a healthy and enriching 80%.
At Megas Mind, we encourage parents to fill their children’s life with enriching experiences so that it will enhance the quality of their development so that they grow into healthy adults and are better prepared to be leaders of the future!
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Giuliana Salmaso is an Italian Architect, EQ Practitioner and former University Teacher based in London. In 2009, after giving birth to her son, Giotto, she became interested in Early Years Development.
Her extensive research led to Megas Mind, an educational project she founded in 2013 with the intention of offering contents and activities purposely designed to enhance an Active Mind Attitudes in children.
By supporting the skills of Creativity and Emotional Intelligence she aims of empowering every child to express their full potential in school and life.
Massimiliano Pogliani
dad, CEO of Illy Caffè
David Naylor
dad, Lawyer, Head of Advanced
Media Technology at Fieldfisher
Franco Bolelli
dad, grandfather and Philosopher
Claudio Silvestrin
dad, Creative Architect
Joshua Freedman
dad, CEO of Six Seconds
the emotional intelligence network
We are a multicultural and enthusiastic team
of designers, artists, educators and programmers supported by a world class advisory board in the fields of e-learning, family and child psychiatry, philosophy, emotional intelligence, business, brand and marketing, technology law, market research and competitive intelligence.
Thanks to:
Marco Pavoni, Laura Squarzoni, Clara Galanti, Francesca Rossi, Luca Forzi, Sabrina Bertuola, Freeny Yianni, Jalil Peraza, Jehireh Peraza, Didi Sommariva, Giuditta Gaviraghi, Eduarda Lima, Philippe Lenzini, Madeleine Barnes, Martina Carluccio, Melinda Nicci, Maya Silvestrin, Ilaria Boffa, Franca Ingrassi, Antonio Barbiero, Paul Hinder, Ann McCormick, Alessandro Agostini, Maurizio Agostini, Luca Fortunato, Roberto Castiglioni, Lorenzo Savi, Xian Zhang, Fiona Mckeown, Bruno Panara
Special thanks to:
Antonio Salmaso
A society’s competitive advantage will come not from how well its schools teach the multiplication and periodic tables, but from how well they stimulate imagination and creativity.
Free the child’s potential and you will free the world.
Absorb what is useful.
Discard what is not.
Add what is uniquely your own.
We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.
It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.
at school and in life by unlocking creativity and developing Active Mind Attitudes? Sign up be amongst the first to know about the development of digital platform and get your free Megas Mind “Chart of Emotions” for children.